The Last of the Castles

The Last of the Castles, our DIY castle

For both of the kids, the grade four curriculum has included a Medieval unit, culminating in a trip to Medieval Times and the creation of a “medieval castle” out of recyclables. Toby had a friend from school come over a few weekends back to complete their grade four castle project. As they worked, and as Bea cheered them on, I realized that this was “the last of the castles” for our kids – at least as far as official school projects go.  So, getting a little sentimental, I took a whole slew of photos of the finished product. Then, I used the Flipagram app on my phone to create a quick video.

Here’s my sentimental tour: The Last of the Castles

This isn’t a how-to post per-se, but I’ve got some “in progress pics” and a brief description of how we made it below! 

This last castle consisted of…

a piece of white foam core for the base
4 cereal boxes for the walls/entry
masking taped together and to the base with
1 juice box for the keep
4 pringles cartons for the turrets
2 plastic cups for height on the back turrets
5 toilet paper rolls for the tiny turrets atop the main turrets, keep, and front entry
additional cardboard for the detailed fence patterning around the castle walls and for the cone turret tops
popsicle sticks for the roof of the keep
a straw, string, holepunch, and additional cardboard for the drawbridge cut into the front cereal box
lots of masking tape to attach and to completely cover everything so as to make the surface paintable
black poster paint to cover the entire castle
white poster paint and sponges cut into different sizes for the “bricks”
blue and red poster paint for the windows and roofs
blue poster paint for the moat
green and brown poster paint for the grass and “agricultural area”

Kids Carboard Castle in Progress 1 Kids Cardboard Castle before painting The Last Castle

For the catapults, we used: popsicle sticks, elastic bands, bottle caps, and a glue gun, following this awesome tutorial from the Kids Activities Blog.


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